Flusskreuzfahrten zum Träumen
Lang ist es her, dass wir Ihnen die landschaftlichen Schönheiten entlang der Ufer Europas präsentieren konnten. Zu lang, wenn Sie uns fragen. Doch selbst die größte Krise kann uns nicht davon abhalten, den Luxus auf dem Fluss immer wieder neu zu definieren.
Als Familienunternehmen ist es schließlich unser größtes Anliegen, dass Sie sich an Bord der AMADEUS-Flotte rundum wohlfühlen und jeden Moment zu Wasser wie zu Land in vollen Zügen genießen. Dafür bürgen nicht zuletzt unser Name und unsere jahrzehntelange Erfahrung.

Our European heritage, customs and culture
Every morning, before dawn breaks the horizon, bakers all over Europe begin their day by preparing bread dough and honoring age-old traditions that have been distinctly tied to their region’s heritage for centuries. Bauernbrot. Kaiser rolls. Pumpernickel. Croissant. Brioche. These recipes have been passed from generation to generation, and over the years, very little has changed. Onboard every AMADEUS river cruise ship, our bakers are hard at work doing exactly the same. Every day, with every course, a bounty of freshly baked bread and rolls are offered, representing our European heritage, customs and culture. Tear apart a roll and the crisp, golden crust breaks with a satisfying sound and exposes a soft inner layer full of texture just waiting to be devoured.
In another part of the kitchen, the patisserie prepares mouthwatering desserts, authentic cakes, and assorted sweets that resemble works of art, but these masterpieces are meant to be indulged upon with the dip of a fork. The same dedication to excellence is given to every meal we present during every voyage.
elegant, gemütlich & modern

Nachhaltig in jedem Bereich
While our menus are extraordinary, our dining venue options are not complicated. All seventeen river ships are built with the same floor plan so locating the Restaurant or Bar is easy, regardless of which itinerary or ship you happen to be traveling on. And, while design and décor are custom; comfort and style are a priority.

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